"Star Wars Kids" was a teenager that found a microphone stand, a video camera and a tripod at his school and decided to act out scenes from Episode One. After his friends posted the video on the internet for all to enjoy, people started making remixes. If you haven't seen the original, it can be found here.
My favorite remix is here.
George Michael on Arrested development anyone?!
It's actually Goerge Michael's girlfriend Ann.
Daniel first showed me Star Wars Kid years ago (I think we still lived in Utah -- that's how long ago). And yet, I still laugh every.single.time. I know, I'm evil, but it's just too funny. My second oldest daughter (9 years old) was standing at my elbow as I watched it. It was her first time. At first she said, "Hmmm, he's pretty good." But after a second she said, "Uh Mom, that kid is really geeky -- but he thinks he's good, huh? Oh that's too bad. But it's really funny." That kind of sums it up...
Oh, and btw, I had never seen the second one. Funny. And again, waaay too much free time... thankfully.
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