Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Zombie plan

Reading this article reminded me of an old favorite, Red vs Blue. The following embedded video is a Public Service Announcement about zombie plans.


daniel said...

there was a great HowTo posted a few weeks with instructions on how to modify these roadside signs. it's out on the interwebz, but i can't recall which site. the process was ridiculously easy since (reportedly) most departments of transportation leave the default password in place and the display software is easy to reset on the rest.

daniel said...

not that i'm advocating anyone tamper with government property.

(please post amusing zombie-related photos when you do)

Anonymous said...

Brian, Brian!! No wonder the little boys thought this was hilarious. Sarge do you have any zombie plans? Yeah 37. 36 involve eating you. Oh yeah and 37 really involves eating you! come back griff I need you.............. Funny how Brian and Griff made in this video...I am starting to realize the deep hold Halo has on our family.