Saturday, April 4, 2009

I'd love an invite to this wedding

Destinee Hooker attends the University of Texas and is on the track team. After her last meet her boyfriend, Clifford Gay, proposed to her. I'm really looking forward to the Gay Hooker wedding, it's going to be off the hook.

I'm not making this up.


daniel said...

someone please make sure former governor spitzer is kept away.

Denise said...

I think former governor Jim McGreevey is more of a concern here.

daniel said...

upon further reflection, i think we're both worried about the wrong person. while spitzer and mcgreevey each epitomized one aspect of this union, neither captured both. we need a new politician who can be brought to ruin by a gay hooker scandal.

i nominate sarah palin.

Bubba the Hutt said...

That would be Larry Craig of Idaho.