Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sledgehammer + explosives = awesome

When taping a good amount of explosives to the end of a sledgehammer, nothing says safety like a bandanna and sunglasses.


Denise said...

At first watch, I thought it was a huge chunk of the guy's head that came off. But from the way he moved afterward, I'm guessing not. Although there is an argument for lost or lack of intelligence to be sure.

PassTheChips said...

Where is this sledgehammer/explosive holiday and is there a Marriott nearby?

Anonymous said...

Yes. Where is it? We need to gather with our boys... and see who can do it the best!

Anonymous said...

What was with the paper he put on the ground and flipped over before commencing. He was awfully nonchallant for a guy who almost seemed like it was his first dance. Seemed to be a blantant disregard for safety here. Thanks alot to the camera man who failed to capture this wacko when he fell down.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!